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What are the directories in my hosting account? (cPanel)

Below you can find the list of the folders in your hosting account:

/public_html - your web directory, place the files and folders of your site here
/www - alias of the public_html folder
/public_html/cgi-bin - directory for hosting your own CGI scripts
/public_ftp - directory for anonymous ftp visitors (works if you have a dedicated IP)
/etc - the service part of the system settings of your domain
/mail - a service part of the mail server
/.rvskin -  a service part of system settings
/.cpanel - a service part of system settings
/access-logs - a service part, log files of your domains
/tmp - the service part of the statistics of visitors to your domain

Attention! It is forbidden to delete any folders that you did not create. This may result in your account not working. If you accidentally deleted a folder, be sure to let us know.

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