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Why is an error returned during checkout?

When placing orders on our website, customers may encounter two errors:

  • "Error. Not Allowed"
  • "An error has occurred. Please try again later."

"Error. Not Allowed"

In most cases the reason for this error is an attempt to renew an order that has already been closed. This may be the case if an order renewal request was added to the cart before the moment of its closing, and the procedure was not completed timely.

There are two ways to resolve this situation:

  • contact support to find out about the possibility of restoring a closed order,
  • remove the closed order from the cart and issue the renewal of the remaining ones.

"An error has occurred. Please try again later"

Such an error occurs for users who are trying to change the billing data or in other contacts when an invoice for payment has already been generated. This happens when the user returns from the "Select a payment method" stage to the "Personal details" stage.

The solution to this situation is simple: cancel the created invoice in your personal account and place the order again.

If your situation does not fit the described cases, you should contact the support service to determine the causes and eliminate an error.

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  1. Oleksii Momot

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