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Connecting your own domain to Weblium service.

Weblium is a powerful website builder with a wide range of possibilities. Today we'll look at a way to link your own domain to a Weblium-hosted site.

Detailed instructions can be found on the page. And then we will trace what settings need to be made in your NIC.UA account.

To do this, first go to the "Domains" section of your NIC.UA personal account and click on the gear-shaped button next to the order for the required domain.

In the domain order properties, under NS Servers, select Custom Name Servers.

Next to "List of your own name servers" click the "Change" button. Then remove the current NS from the list and add the following:


Then click the "Save" button.

Please note: changes in NS servers and DNS-records may take effect after a period of time — from 4 to 72 hours. This is due to the storage of information about domains at  Internet providers: they save all user's requests and store them for a certain time.

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