In case you forget to renew your domain, we will send four notification letters to your contact email address:
- 30 days before the expiration date;
- 15 days before the expiration date;
- 5 days before the expiration date;
- one day before the expiration date.
The contact email is the email that you use as a login to NIC.UA. If that email is outdated, deleted or unavailable — you'll need to change it by contacting support.
The letter will contain the order number and the domain name itself, together with a link to your dashboard — so you can renew the domain. You just need to log in to NIC.UA and click on «Renew».
If you don't check mail often, then it is recommended to add notifications in messengers: helpful bots are available in Viber and Telegram. They will notify you of expiring orders with the same frequency, so you don't forget to renew your order.
Eldar Polishchuk